Monday, October 6, 2008

Catholic church must come back to poverty

Some remarks about catholic media are given below which send to several Bishops but no reply.

I am a regular reader of Catholic periodicals and I have an opinion about Medias of Catholic Church. When I observed Rashtra Deepika daily, I found star signs and a lot of seductive film pictures which could be very dangerous in case of young people in church. Some suggestions are here.
Catholic Medias must be based on Holy bible teachings without considering circulation.
Just think about Shalom publication and Divine Retreat centre when we fear about circulation .Trust in Jesus only. (Acts 5/38, 39).
The chief editor must be righteous and must be free from pressures.
If we are not able to keep this just drop the plan to continue.
Now the Medias of church are standing in between God and Devil. That position is too dangerous. Look to Muslims how orthodox they are in religious matters.
One day I went to Deepika office at Cherthala and asked about the star signs in paper. He answered that other religious people are also reading the paper. I felt so sad that church developed under the blood of Jesus and St Thomas in India. Now we are betraying Christ in front of outcasts.
So look to Shalom publications and kindly adopt their method. And we are ready to take share (all church) if Deepika strongly stand behind Christ.

I have read editorial in Sunday shalom paper that we must aware about the threats towards Catholic church but just think where our church stands? With poor or rich. Jesus imagine a church of pontiff nature ie, be a bridge between rich and poor. We must imitate St Francis Assissi in 13th Century in case of poverty. That is the only way for survival of church. As you are a prophet you must stand behind this and try to reform our priests and bishops towards Assissi. Otherwise the people will simply throw advises to waste box.